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Unreal Tournament Dreamcast Review

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Unreal Tournament is a first-person shooter video game developed by Epic Games and Digital Extremes.The second installment in the Unreal series, it was first published by GT Interactive in 1999 for Microsoft Windows, and later released on the PlayStation 2 and Dreamcast by Infogrames in 2000 and 2001, respectively. Players compete in a series of matches of various types, with the general aim. Re: Dreamcast Live Competition #5 - Unreal Tournament (Exten Post #72 » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:20 pm I also started to do 170 and then when i changed my stategy i did 150 and 130, so obviously i was doing wrong. 4 night battle royale.

Unreal Tournament FAQ

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Dreamcast Unreal Tournament FAQ(or things you NEED to know):

Unreal Tournament Dreamcast Review Guide

Table of Contents:
1. Who this FAQ is for
2. General Commands
3. GameSharkers & other cheaters
4. Codes
5. Tips & Tricks
6. DC UT Player Database
'ello and welcome to my DC UT FAQ. I hope that you will find some helpful hints, tricks and other information while you are here. Let me introduce myself as you would meet me in UT, WITH A BULLET TO THE HEAD! Seriously though, you can catch me on DC UT as BelPowrslve(short for BelPowerslave as you know how UT only allows so many characters) though during most games you won't see me winning, or even see me at all. If there's a Sniper Rifle on the level, you can bet I am somewhere cozy looking for you to come walking through my crosshairs.
If you're interested, I would like to start a small database(of sorts) for us RGVS ( newsgroup members(posters or lurkers) to identify each other on the Seganet servers. Think of it as the UT version of Jordan Lund's fabulous PSO Player Database. Just send me an email with your UT Username, RGVS Username, what time you like to play/what timezone you are in and what type of games do you most prefer. I will post it with others at the bottom of the FAQ.
1. Who this FAQ is for:
This FAQ is for the hardcore DC Unreal Tournament player: The people who take it personally when you shoot them in the back, the people ALWAYS run for the Redeemer first off, the people who want to waste as many GameSharkers as possible, the people who love ganging up on 15 year old punks who like to talk a lot of trash & the people who actively attempt to kill others with Impact Hammers and Chainsaws. May the Goddess be with you all. This is also for those just getting started, and looking to improve their game.

2. General Commands:

Keyboard commands(this pertains to the default config and can be changed in the options menu):
T - Talk: a lot of people still don't know this.
R- Team Talk: Speak only to the members of your team if you are playing TDM, CTF or Domination.(The other team will not be able to see this)
J - Wave!
K- Taunt!

Shift - Walk
F1- Display game stats

Unreal Tournament Dreamcast Review Games

3. GameSharkers & other cheaters:
Ways to tell if an opponent is using Auto-Aim:
* Everytime he pulls the trigger he hits you.
* If he is using the pulse gun it will follow your dodging EXACTLY. You will move one way, the gun will immediately follow.
* There's no proof I can offer, but your best bet is still someone, who when they pull the trigger hits you everytime. A good way to test this is if they have the Pulse Gun. Try running backwards from them strafing back and forth. If their Pulse shots following your pattern exactly, they've got it on. If they didn't it would still go in a pretty straight line as they tried to catch you(even with auto aim off, the computer will still send your rounds in the general direction of your enemy, but not a great degree at all). If they were using the mouse you would see the gradual movement back and forth in instead of two shots exactly where you were followed by three shots in your next position(with no shots in between). Show no mercy to these fuckers.

Ways to tell if an opponent is using a GameShark:

* Weapon constantly flashes(this is due to the fact that the GS code they are using gives them all weapons all the time, and is constantly cycling through the weapons available). This is most obvious at the end of a match, when the GSer wins(and using a GS, they always do): The camera will show a close up of the character and you can see the weapons cycling in their hand. It is VERY obvious.

* The motherfucker always has Anti-Gravity boots.

* Weapons have extremely strange effects. Example: Shock Core will shoot Red(signifying Insta-gib power) in a non-Insta-gib game, weapons other than the Ripper or Chainsaw will cut your head off, weapons will have powers they never had before(had a guy SHOOT me with a chainsaw, and cut my head off with the shot).

4. Codes:
(all codes acquired from GameFAQS)

999 Ammo:
Pause the game and then enter the following code:
Left - Right - Left - Right - Right - Left
When you return to the game you will have 999 on ammo for all weapons.
Pause the game and then enter the following code:
Left - Left - Right - Right - Down - Up
When you return to the game you will be invincible.

Level Skip:
From the main menu, choose Tournament. Start a new Deathmatch game. On the stage select screen, choose Oblivion. During the game, press: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT. The game will then take you back to the select screen, and the next level will be open to play.
Replenish Health:
Pause the game and hit down, down, down, left, up, right.
SegaNet Levels:
To unlock SegaNet levels, go to network mode then go to account two and type in the following:

Parallels access catalina. Login:

Password: tenages

Unreal Tournament Dreamcast Rom

Click on 'connect' and save the settings, go to practice mode and the two SegaNet levels will be unlocked

More Fun stuff:
To activate the console, you'll need a Dreamcast Keyboard. Press the T key once, then hold the ESC key, then press any letter on the Keyboard. Now type in:
ghost- Lets you go through walls
fly- lets you fly; type in walk to turn off
loaded- gives you random weapons
allammo- gives you 999 ammo for all guns
suicide- kills you
behindview 1- lets you see behind yourself
behindview 0- returns you to regular view
hidehud- turns off the HUD; type in showhud to turn the HUD on again.

5. Tips & Tricks:

* If you win a match, as the camera is showing your close up you can taunt and wave as much as you want.
* Again, if you win a match, you can manually cycle through your weapons. Be careful when doing this though; as it looks cool, not everyone realizes that you can do this and with the GameSharkers using the 'All Weapons' code that produces the exact same effect(only faster) there will be those that will accuse you of cheating. Now, granted, that's pretty bad, but you know you're not so you're still cool..problem is that most people don't want to play with a cheater/GameSharker and will leave the game. A nicely balanced game is hard to find, do your best not to screw it up.
* Finally, if you win a match, you can also fire your weapon as the camera closes in on you. To do this cycle through your weapons and constantly hit the fire button. Again, watch out, not everyone is aware of this little trick..
* The Impact Hammer, though slow to charge and pretty useless in a fire fight, has an amazingly useful purpose: You can use it to boost yourself up to places not normally accessible! To do it, charge you Impact Hammer to the max level, aim it at the ground and release. This can be done a maximum time of two times, then you WILL kill yourself.
* Shoot walls in EVERY level you go to. Most have secret passage ways or just simply a place to rest for moment and send a few shout outs to your opponents.
* Make sure you have 'Dodging' turned on in the Miscellaneous menu! I cannot even begin to describe how helpful this can be in engaging fire fights, running from fire fights and jumping longer distances.
* If you are partial to a particular weapon, turn off Auto Weapon Switch in the Miscellaneous menu. This will allow you to use your favorite weapon without switching over to a more powerful weapon if you happen to pick one up. Fellow Snipers, you know what I mean..
* In the Controller menu, turn off Slope Look. This will allow you to attack those fuckers who like to crouch during fire fights(knowing that having Slope Look turned on makes it VERY difficult to move and aim in a certain spot at the same time).
* Don't be a bitch, turn Auto Aim OFF!
* Choose a game with low ping rate, this will help kill the lag that seriously effects your performance.
* Sorting the server menu will better help you to find what you are looking for. If you are looking for a lower ping rate, sort by ping, searching for a particular number of opponents, sort by players, etc.
* There is no way to search for someone by name, like in PSO, get used to sucks.
* Instant Rockets are a very bad thing, turn it off in the Miscellaneous menu.
* If you are flat out of ammo, have no place to run, are almost dead and someone is coming at you down a long hallway break out your last resort: The Impact Hammer's Secondary Fire. When timed right, or if you're just extremely lucky, you can reflect bullets back at your opponent with this. As hard as it is to believe, I have actually reflected attacks twice now and sent them back at my opponent, killing them.
* The Shock Rifle can be used to create a massive explosion that is really good for crowded rooms. Fire your secondary shot, wait a moment and fire your primary shot into it.
* With the Ripper, ALWAYS aim high..

* The Rocket Launcher, where to even start with this amazingly destructive weapon:
1. If you have the time, ALWAYS load multiple rockets.
2. Use your secondary fire when fending off those down stairs.
3. Holding the cursor on an opponent for about 2 seconds will activate the heat seeking mechanism on the rocket. You will see as the cursor will turn red and the gun will beep.
4. Holding the primary fire and hitting the secondary fire will result in the rockets firing in a circular formation. This isn't extremely useful as your opponent can more easily avoid it than they could a charged Primary attack.
5. If you are good, or lucky, you can actually juggle opponents with rockets.

* The Flak Cannon is your friend, use it ALOT! Primary attack can kill someone in as little as two shots, and can be used to hit them from around corners and such. The Secondary attack will usually waste someone in one hit.
* DO NOT attempt to use the BioRifle anywhere other than hallways when you are running away. For kicks though, find a high, dry spot and shoot big gobs of goo to the floor and watch people walk into it..

* The Sniper Rifle can lift you to godlike status if you are good. I recommend lots of Silent Scope(the DC version, not arcade) practice..
* If you are unfortunate enough to be left with only the Chainsaw, use the Secondary, Side Swipe, aim high and pray.
* If you are Billy Badass or just in a really secure position, have fun with the Redeemer's Secondary firing. It will let you manually control the rocket from a first person view. Loads of fun!

* The Translocator can be your friend as well as your worst enemy. Telefragging is possible, but having your locator seen and shot will get you killed..


* I swear to God that the Thigh Pads make you move faster, but I have yet to see this documented anywhere.
* Anti Gravity Boots are there for a reason: There is usually someplace in that level where something REALLY good can be acquired using them..

Linux ubuntu 64 bit virtualbox. * Holding down shift and moving backwards can make it look like you are moonwalking. This can be helpful is someone is about to kill as they might think that you are Michael Jackson: The Smooth Criminal..then again, when I think criminal I think Gamesharker..and pull the trigger immediately..

Unreal Tournament Ps2 Rom

6. DC UT Player Database:

Unreal Tournament Review

UT UsernameRGVS UsernameTime Preference
Game Type Preference
BelPowrslveBelPowerslave10pm and later /Central TimeTeam DeathMatch/6 player DeathMatch
AzathothAzathothMidnight to 6am
/Eastern Standard

10pm and later
/Central Time

Team DeathMatch

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